Chapter 47: What's Wrong with Bullying by Power? Isn't it Allowed?_1

An Guohua's face turned ashen with anger, a bunch of fence-sitters!

Huo Zhanting hasn't even said anything yet!

And they are already switching sides!

Clenching his teeth, he steeled himself and said, "Regardless, the matter on the internet is being stirred up considerably, are we just going to sit back and ignore it?"

After finishing his sentence, An Guohua still looked hopefully towards Huo Zhanting, "Moreover, Director Huo, you should be aware of the incident back then, right?"

Instantly, everyone's gaze shifted to Huo Zhanting.

He nodded slightly, "Hmm, I know."

An Guohua's mouth curled up slightly, "So, can we begin the vote now?"

His implication was very clear, suggesting to everyone that what he said in the video was true and that Huo Zhanting was merely here to watch the excitement, not to help An Lan.

The crowd looked at each other, puzzled by Huo Zhanting's intentions.