Chapter 54 You Should Say This to Huo Zhanting_1

An Lan instinctively chased after the figure, but it vanished in no time, clearly more familiar with the old mansion's twisting hallways than she was.

While she was looking around, a shadow behind her patted her on the back.

Turning around, An Lan found herself face to face with Gu Xi—for the first time ever, one-on-one.

"A little chat?"

An Lan looked at Gu Xi with some surprise, "What do we have to talk about?"

A light laugh escaped Gu Xi. Since An Lan didn't wish to pretend, he had no desire to continue the act either. "Let's lay it all out. Why are you with Zhan Ting? What kind of deal did he make with you? Or did he give you money?"

An Lan raised her chin; her guess wasn't far off, they indeed had a transactional relationship, but she didn't want to admit it.

At least not in front of Gu Xi.