Chapter 71 Saved by Huo Zhanting Again_1

The next day, An Lan ignored the doctor's advice and hastily arranged for her discharge.

After leaving the hospital, she didn't return to the Huo Family residence, nor did she go to Xiao Yihe's place. Instead, she rented a house in the sparsely populated suburbs to recuperate in solitude.

Right now, she didn't want to think about anything. She just wanted to find a place to be alone.

What An Lan hadn't anticipated was that Xiao Yihe would find her temporary residence the day after her discharge.

That day at noon, as she sat on the sofa in a daze, there came a persistent knocking at the door. An Lan turned her head to glance at the door but paid it no heed, continuing to stare blankly.

No one here knew her, nor did she expect anyone to come looking for her.

The knocking at the door didn't stop despite her silence.

After a while, the person outside couldn't contain themselves and announced their presence.