Chapter 74: Gu Xi, You Are Not Worthy_1

"An Lan, just you wait, I'll tell Dad, I'll make him…"

An Yuxian glared at her venomously.

An Lan snapped impatiently, cutting off the threat that followed.

"Even if he were standing right in front of me now, you're still getting the boot today. I don't play favorites here, I only look at performance. When Director An comes back, I am going to have a serious settlement with him about this matter of randomly stuffing people into the company."

Her words, mild yet forceful, were like thunderclaps exploding beside An Yuxian's ears. The crowd, which had been stirred up moments ago, unwilling to submit and demanding explanations, suddenly fell silent.

Even towards An Yuxian, An Lan showed no courtesy.

If they kept causing a scene, the consequences would undoubtedly be even more unseemly.

"An Lan! You're quite the hypocrite, what about you? You skip work! Why don't you lead by example?" An Yuxian's voice rose sharply, her shrill tone making An Lan's brows knit slightly.