Chapter 100 Capital_1

After flipping through everything, she found nothing.

An Lan leaned back in her chair, crying and laughing to herself, thinking just how deluded she had been to actually believe her mother had left her a large sum of money—just because of An Yuxian's meaningless words.

She let out a long sigh, sat up straight, and picked up one of the letters, just in time to read about her mother mentioning the moments of recognition and acquaintance with An Guohua and eventually coming together. In the letter, her mother expressed all of her once hopeful expectations for life and yearnings for marriage.

In the letter, her mother had stated that An Guohua wasn't like this at the beginning of their marriage; he was gentle, always bringing home little things for her mother no matter how late he returned, and those trinkets were enough to make her happy for half a day.

Though they had shared hardships, they couldn't share in happiness.

An Lan felt a bitterness in her heart.