Chapter 108 Candidness_1

"It's not going well, huh? How did I come to learn that just after Xiao Yihe took over the Huo Family company, you two couldn't wait to come knocking, drawing a clear line with me and even speaking ill of me in front of Xiao Yihe for the sake of your monthly allowance?"

Huo Zhanting sneered, looking at them with mockery.

An Lan had never known about this.

Her gaze toward the two also became a bit unusual, originally thinking that Sun Lanfang and Huo Jiajia targeted only her. Little did she know that they were purely driven by self-interest. If Huo Zhanting had not taken back the position of CEO of the Huo Family, perhaps these two would never contact him again.

At this thought, An Lan felt nothing but indignation and pity in her heart.