Chapter 174 Palpitations_1

When An Lan entered the conference room with Zhang Duo, all the attendees fell silent, their expressions one of surprise at the sight of An Lan, seemingly not expecting her, who had always been absent from the shareholders' meeting, to make an appearance.

An Lan looked around, and said with composure,

"Am I late?"

"Not at all, Director An, you've arrived just in time. The meeting hasn't started yet."

The shrewd people present exchanged glances, then put on a show of insincere flattery and obsequious praise.

An Lan walked straight to the main seat and sat down. Due to An Guohua's death, there was an empty seat. She glanced fleetingly at it before withdrawing her gaze.

Several people saw An Lan's expression and reacted differently.

The routine shareholders' meeting was to summarize recent significant occurrences and projects completed by the company. An Lan listened quietly as people enthusiastically discussed these matters.