Chapter 37_1

"President Li didn't say, but you can ask him yourself,"

He didn't say?

Rong Shengsheng sighed in frustration. Did she really need to be the one to bring it up?

Li Hanxian was indeed a detestable capitalist.

After work, everyone began to leave the company one after another, while Rong Shengsheng miserably made her way to the cleaning department to get some cleaning tools. With a stern face and a dark cloud over her head, she looked as if someone owed her millions.

When Zeng Shan saw her, she asked, "Shengsheng, what brings you here?"

"I'm going to clean President Li's office."

"So the reason President Li doesn't let our cleaning department clean his office is that he wants you to do it. It seems you're doing an excellent job; President Li is very satisfied,"

Rong Shengsheng couldn't help but give a wry smile; she didn't appreciate this kind of praise.

She really wanted to say, "Do you want this 'blessing'? Well... do you?"