Chapter 65_1

Rong Shengsheng also hurried to the Fragrance Department.

Luo Lishu's cold eyes followed Rong Shengsheng's retreating figure, with an obvious look of disdain.

She thought Rong Shengsheng would never come out again, but who knew... she had such damn good luck!!


Early in the morning, old Mrs. Li Tang Xuelan, accompanied by several bodyguards, stormed into the Feast Group, looking furious as if there were some urgent matter.

Upon entering the office, she spat out angrily, "Hanxian, why did you break off the engagement with Wanwan??"

Li Hanxian sipped his coffee with an unchanged expression, his well-defined fingers tapping on the keyboard and his handsome face showing little interest as he responded, "Grandma, is such a trivial matter worth your visit?"