Chapter 71_1


He asked softly, "Have you always looked like this?"

Rong Shengsheng's heart skipped a beat as she lowered her head anxiously. Had Li Hanxian noticed something?

Could it be that the makeup on her face had smudged?

She fidgeted with her fingers nervously, "Yeah, I've always looked like this, President Li, why do you suddenly ask?"

Li Hanxian was somewhat disappointed to hear her response. He didn't understand why he felt so disheartened or what he was actually hoping for.

Rong Shengsheng's face bore no resemblance to the woman from five years ago that night.

There was absolutely no connection between the two.

He sighed, "Nothing..."

As he spoke, he took off his jacket and draped it over Rong Shengsheng.

Unintentionally, he caught a glimpse of a black birthmark on her back.

Her clothes had been torn, allowing a partial view, but the birthmark was half-hidden and its shape indistinct.