Chapter 169_1

"At a time like this, who cares about face? Husband, listen to me, go and beg President Li, get through this crisis first and we'll talk later."

Yu Jinqing resisted with all her being, "Then how can I face him in the future??"

"Does that matter?"

"Is my dignity not important?"

"How much is dignity worth?"

When Qin Lingling was twisting her body dancing, she had long stopped caring about so-called dignity.

Yu Jinqing, pampered from a young age, had never suffered the slightest grievance; pride was in his bones, he believed he was nobler than others, so how could he possibly lower his noble head to beg someone??

He stared at Qin Lingling incredulously, trying to see through this woman with a clean, innocent appearance, "Lingling, you... how could you change so suddenly?"