Chapter 175_1

At the party, while everyone was gathered in the front hall, in an unnoticed corner, Qin Lingling was tidying her disheveled clothes, and Yi Jiafei, who had just finished with her, was contentedly smoking a cigarette.

After Qin Lingling had dressed herself properly, she asked with tears in her eyes, "Didn't you say that as long as I gave you that confidential document, you would never bother me again?"

Yi Jiafei shrugged his shoulders, "Can't help it, who told you to come to such a place today? A sheep offering itself to the slaughter, would I be a fool not to take advantage?"


Qin Lingling was full of grievances. She originally wanted to come to the party to seek Li Hanxian's help; otherwise, Yu Jinqing would be kicked out of his family. But she had the bad luck of running into Yi Jiafei.

Forget it, forget it, she was used to this kind of thing.

She glanced around frantically, making sure no one was around, then she walked away with her head down.