Chapter 194_1

The night was deep, and the silence outside the VIP hospital room was profound, any slight footsteps stirring through it seemed piercingly intrusive.

Tong Yiyue cautiously pushed open the door of the hospital room, thinking it was empty, but immediately met Rong Shengsheng's red, tearful eyes. She felt inexplicably guilty, lowered her head, and smiled, "You haven't rested yet at this late hour?"

Rong Shengsheng's expression was very calm, "Do you need something?"

"I came to see the child. I heard he had a tough time getting through the night, so I wanted to keep him company."

In truth, Tong Yiyue was there to make matters worse, hoping Qinqin would pass away and be reincarnated sooner.

"There is no need; I will take good care of my child."

"You look pale. Why don't you go get some rest, and leave the rest to me."

"Leave it to you? Children encountered an accident when you picked them up from school; do you think I would trust you with my child now?"