Chapter 216_1

Time swiftly passed, and three months had gone by.

During these months, Miaomiao and Qinqin cried constantly, but Li Jinghong was very strict and showed no sympathy. As time passed, the two children slowly accepted the situation, stopped crying and fussing, and obediently complied.

Li Jinghong specially hired strict teachers to instruct Miaomiao in piano and painting, while Qinqin's curriculum included business and martial arts. Of course, they also had to attend classes; they hadn't even graduated from kindergarten and were already studying elementary school material.

The two children were separated each morning and could only see each other in the evening.

That evening, lying in bed, Miaomiao said in a pitiful voice, "Brother... I really miss Mom. Did she really abandon us and die?"

Every time this subject came up, Qinqin couldn't help but cry as he stared at the ceiling.

How could their mother, the kindest person in the world to them, just leave like that?