Chapter 218_1

Seeing the fearful look on Qin Lingling's face, Yu Jinqing suddenly remembered that although they had been married for almost a year, he had never met her parents.

His mother despised Qin Lingling's parents for being rural farmers and forbade Qin Lingling from having any contact with them.

He grasped Qin Lingling's hand, "After your confinement, let's go back to the countryside to visit."

Qin Lingling looked up in shock, "You... you're saying you'll go to the countryside with me?"

"Yep! I've never been there before, and our child should meet their grandparents. Or, why not bring your parents to live with us in the city?"

"You... are you willing?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Didn't my mom just give us a house?"

Qin Lingling was instantly touched; in truth, Yu Jinqing was really a good man...

If only he had not been thrown out of the Yu family...