Chapter 246_1

His entire body's blood boiled, and even his heartbeat thumped violently in response!

Did this woman... possess some kind of charm?

Thinking this, he hurriedly let go of her hand, turned his head away from Rong Shengsheng, and even so, her image lingered in his mind, refusing to fade away.

"Get out of the car immediately! And don't even think about taking the children away; you definitely can't do it!"

Rong Shengsheng let out a cold laugh. It was he who'd dragged her into the car, and now he was telling her to get out?! Did he really take her for a dog?

Forget it, in his eyes, she probably wasn't even comparable to a dog.

"If you want me to get out, I'll get out. I don't want to be in your car anyway!"

She opened the car door furiously, then slammed it shut. "Li Hanxian, you're truly a jerk!!"

In the car, Li Hanxian massaged his temples, forcing himself to calm down as much as possible, trying to suppress the surging emotions, but he found he just couldn't forget her.