Chapter 259_1


Tong Yiyue had been playing at the night club for quite some time and was ready to leave when she saw a familiar car parked at the entrance. A closer look confirmed it—it was the Li family's license plate number!!

Could it be...

She was overjoyed, guessing that Li Hanxian had come.

Was he here to find her??

She knew it, Li Hanxian still had her in his heart!!

Her heart raced with excitement at the thought, and she couldn't wait to run over. However, from a distance, she saw through the car window that a woman was already seated inside.

It was Rong Shengsheng....

Li Hanxian was buckling Rong Shengsheng's seat belt with gentle, careful movements.

Anyone who didn't know better would think they were a sweet, loving couple.

At that moment, Tong Yiyue's eyes widened in shock; her legs went weak, and she collapsed to the ground limply.

"Brother Xian..."

Li Hanxian in the car paid no attention to Tong Yiyue, stepped on the gas, and drove away.