Chapter 280_1

"I'm not drunk!! Miaomiao and Qinqin have just spent a few days with Rong Shengsheng, and now that they're back, they don't want to be close to me. My heart really hurts..."

Li Jinghong poured himself another drink, "Xiaoyue was so gentle and virtuous, and moreover, very filial. The children she would have borne would definitely not treat me like this..."

"Why weren't these two children born to Xiaoyue??"


Li Hanxian frowned and shook his head, ignoring Li Jinghong's mutterings, and went out to make a phone call. Although he had lost his memory, he was still very serious about his work.

After a while, Li Jinghong became drunk; his cheeks flushed with a rosy glow and he let out a satisfied belch.

The servant came over to remind him, "Master, it's getting late. The madam is already waiting for you upstairs, telling you to hurry up and go to sleep."

"Mmm, I know..."