Chapter 296_1

At this moment, Yu Jinqing had a vacant look in her eyes, and she appeared as if she had lost her soul, standing there motionless.

From a distance, she resembled a lifeless statue.

Qin Lingling had been calling out for a while, but Yu Jinqing showed no reaction, which made her wonder, was this person really Yu Jinqing?

Could it be a ghost?

"Husband, what are you spacing out for? Hurry and open the car door! Otherwise, if Li Hanxian finds us, neither of us will be able to escape!!"

Yu Jinqing took out the car keys, pressed a button, and the car door opened.

Qin Lingling breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly crawled out of the car, and scolded Yu Jinqing, "Why did it take you so long to get here? Do you know how scared I was?!"

"You're so useless!"

"If I had died, I wonder what you would do!!"