Chapter 332_1

As soon as he entered the room, Yang Suo couldn't wait to take off his clothes, acting as if a second's delay would kill him.

Rong Shengsheng, seeing this, felt her heart break and began to cry.

Yang Suo paused, "Why are you crying?"

"I... I... I just feel that my life is so miserable..."

"Rest assured, I will be gentler with you!"

"Then can you untie all the ropes on my body??"

Yang Suo nodded, as the ropes had to be untied later anyway, so he didn't hesitate at all.

Once the ropes were untied, Rong Shengsheng could move her body freely. Of course, she wasn't satisfied with just that; crying, she threw her arms around Yang Suo, "You are so good to me! If you don't mind, I will follow you for the rest of my life!"

Yang Suo, who had never been with a woman before, let alone dated, was now faced with a beautiful woman, her eyes red, saying she wanted to be with him for life. Any man would be moved by this.

He cradled Rong Shengsheng's face in his hands, "I don't mind you."