Chapter 235: General Protectorate_4


The civil and military chancellors of the full court looked at her small frame and all felt that the title conferred was too grand; she wouldn't be able to uphold it. It wasn't a question of her merits, if merits were to be discussed, being ennobled or appointed general wouldn't be excessive, but just looking at the real person, this Pei Hansan... General Pei... why did she evoke such a protective instinct in others rather than seeming like a protector of the nation?

Pei Qin had already cursed many times in her heart, from slowly to quickly, until Shi Rui nudged her, signaling her to join the lineup, as a chancellor was about to present a memorial.

Looking around, Pei Qin stood to the left, squeezing aside a Second Rank General as she took her place there.