Chapter 13 Smart_1

Qian Manjiang saw his father listening to him seriously and was overjoyed. He spilled all his thoughts of the past few days: "Father, this is what your son thinks. Our Xifeng Tea from Xishan County is famous far and wide; even the Emperor and the Empress favor the top-grade Mao Feng. I want to spend a couple of silver to buy some first-grade Mao Feng tea, and with the leftover small amount of silver, purchase some third-grade Xifeng Tea. Doesn't an uncle of our brother-in-law work as an assistant in the tea house? We can ask him to get us a discount. These teas aren't for me to drink, but to present to the officers in the military. That way, at least I won't end up as front-line cannon fodder. Since I am literate, if I plan carefully, I might actually earn some military merit and become an official or something."

Qian Sangui listened, nodded approvingly, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face. His son had finally matured, possessing insight beyond that of a mere farmer. He said, "Alright, I'll take your advice. Becoming an official aside, as long as you come back safely, there is plenty of time to pay respects to your grandparents."

In the corner, Qian Yixiu's eyes sparkled. This little father was neither foolishly filial nor shortsighted and was quite astute in currying favor with his superiors through gifts. She hoped that the little father would return in one piece so she wouldn't have to struggle too much. To become a general was unthinkable, but getting a petty official position might just be achievable.

Lady Wu was also overjoyed, her smile more gentle as she handed Qian Manjiang several red envelopes, "Take these extra two hundred and some coins to buy tea leaves."

Qian Manjiang shook his head, "The rest of the money should be saved to buy medicine for father; the days ahead will be harder."

When talking about the days to come, the faces of everyone grew troubled again.

Cheng Yue took out the red envelope given by Qian Sangui and said, "Here, for my brother to buy tea and for father-in-law to buy medicine."

Lady Wu was very touched by her daughter-in-law, who, although a bit foolish, was caring at heart.

She declined with a smile, "Good child, mother knows you're filial. This money was given by your father-in-law, so you keep it for buying flowers to wear in the future."

"No, for tea, for medicine," Cheng Yue insisted firmly.

Qian Manjiang was very pleased, his little wife was truly wonderful. He smiled at Lady Wu, "Since Yueyue has this filial intention, let's keep it to buy medicine for father."

Lady Wu sighed and accepted, "Then I'll look after it for you. If Yueyue sees something she likes later on, I'll give it to you."

Qian Manxia, upon seeing this, also donated the five coin red envelope from her sister-in-law.

Afterward, Qian Sangui went to rest in the house, Qian Manjiang went up the mountain to collect firewood, Lady Wu went outside to wash clothes, and instructed Qian Manxia to teach Cheng Yue how to wipe tables and tidy up the house. The sun gradually rose higher, and Qian Yixiu hid herself in the shadowy corner to count sheep.

She saw Qian Manxia eyeing Cheng Yue with curiosity, seemingly wanting to ask something but afraid to. Qian Xiu guessed that the young girl probably wanted to continue her questions from this morning, but because Lady Wu had forbidden her to ask, she was hesitating.

Qian Yixiu also hoped she wouldn't ask; if her foolish mother continued on, even she, a ghost daughter-in-waiting, would feel ashamed to show her face.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door – it was Qian Mandie from the main house. Qian Mandie was a delicate young girl, her complexion a bit dark, but her smiling eyes added a happy charm. She wore a green thin top with a matching skirt. Though slightly worn, her clothes were patchless; in the countryside, that was considered quite decent attire.

At least, it made Qian Manxia's eyes fill with envy, "Sister Die, that outfit looks really nice." The young girl remembered the generous gift from her great uncle and began to flatter, "You look even prettier, as beautiful as my sister-in-law."

No girl is immune to the lure of beauty. Qian Mandie glanced at the prettiest person she had ever seen and said with a smile that reached her eyes, "You sure have a sweet mouth," and then greeted Cheng Yue, "Sister-in-law."

Cheng Yue, fearful of strangers, even the diminutive Qian Mandie, stepped back two paces and said emotionlessly, "I don't know you."

Qian Mandie said with a smile, "I'm Brother Jiang's cousin, just like Xiaxia, I'm also your younger aunt." She chuckled and whispered to Qian Manxia, "Sister-in-law speaks so nicely."

Qian Manxia was very pleased when she heard someone praising her sister-in-law and said with a touch of pride, "I think so too."

Qian Mandie proposed, "Xiaxia, how about we go up the mountain to cut pig grass and gather firewood?"

Qian Manxia shook her head, "No, my mother told me to keep an eye on my sister-in-law."

Qian Mandie glanced at Cheng Yue and pulled Qian Manxia to the side to quietly ask, "Everyone is saying Brother Jiang's sister-in-law is a fool, is it true? She's so pretty; it would be such a pity if she were silly."

Qian Manxia said unhappily, "Who are you listening to talking nonsense? My sister-in-law is not a fool at all; she just reacts slower than others. Just look at the foolish bride Old Wang's family took in, drooling and extremely dirty, plus she can't even do chores. Now, that's a real fool. My sister-in-law doesn't drool, she's neat and clean, and she can sweep and wipe tables..."

The young girl's face turned red with anger as she listed Cheng Yue's virtues.

Qian Mandie wondered, "If Brother Jiang's sister-in-law isn't a fool, why do you still need to stay at home to watch her?"

"My sister-in-law has just married into our family and isn't familiar with the area; we're also afraid she might fall if she goes up the mountain, so my mother and brother asked me to look after her," Qian Manxia explained.

While the two young girls were talking, Lady Wu returned. She led Cheng Yue to the clothesline to dry the laundry, repeatedly teaching her that clothes must be straightened out and the water wrung out properly, and so on.

Qian Mandie said in a low voice to Qian Manxia, "Auntie is really good to her daughter-in-law. My mother has never been so temperate with my eldest sister-in-law, and neither was grandma with my mother."

In the following days, Lady Wu also cooked an egg every morning to nourish him.

The dear father was indeed striving hard for an heir.

However, it seemed like the father's health was quite good; he was still lively during the day, chopping wood on the mountain, repairing all the household tools, and even replacing the thatched roofing.

The dear mother suffered somewhat, though. Despite Qian Manjiang and Lady Wu being considerate of her, letting her sleep until she naturally awoke, she remained haggard and continuously yawning. Her eyes were already large, but with dark circles under them, they looked even bigger. Brimming with exhaustion and bewilderment, her eyes made her look even more pitiable.

Qian Sangui softly instructed Lady Wu, "Tell Manjiang to exercise some restraint. The daughter-in-law's constitution is already weak; if she's further worn down, how will she bear a grandson? I won't eat the egg anymore; give it to the daughter-in-law instead."

Lady Wu said with a smile, "Your health isn't good, you can't skip the eggs. Do you think your son really eats the eggs given to him? He's been sneaking them back to his wife."

Qian Sangui replied, "Then I have even more reason not to eat it, give it to my son instead. He's going off to war soon; he needs to recuperate and be well-nourished."


Thank you to Qian Yi Yi Ren Yan for the reward, and thank you, dear readers, for your comments and support. Today I've added more to the story; if you have recommendation tickets, please cast them for Wenwen. With good results, Qing Quan will be even more motivated.