Chapter 17 Choices_1

Suddenly, the mother hen in the backyard started clucking. Qian Manxia stood up and said, "Old Ma is laying eggs." Then she ran to the backyard to collect the eggs and handed them to Lady Wu.

Lady Wu smiled and took the chicken eggs, saying to Cheng Yue, "We don't sell our eggs; we save them to nourish Yueyue. Next year, she'll have a chubby little boy."

Cheng Yue fawningly added, "And to nourish father too."

Qian Sangui looked up and quietly chuckled upon hearing this. Qian Manxia had seen her father smile only rarely since she was born, so seeing this, she said to Cheng Yue, "Sister-in-law, you really have a way with words. You even made Father laugh."

Lady Wu laughed, "Your sister-in-law is filial and has a sweet tongue. Learn from her in the future. Everyone loves to hear kind words."

Licking her lips, Cheng Yue agreed wholeheartedly, "That's true, Brother Jiang says Yueyue is sweet-mouthed, too."