Chapter 47 Serpent Vine Chrysanthemum_1

Lady Wu advised, "Yueyue, although these are clothes worn by maids, they have no patches and are much better than the ones you are wearing now."

Cheng Yue shook her head and said, "Sister said that there is a difference between master and servant, I cannot wear the clothes of a maid."

It was the first time Cheng Yue spoke of the past, and though it was only a fragment, it still filled Qian Yixiu with unexpected joy. She quickly pressed on with questions, "Sister? Which sister did Mother mention? What's her surname? Where does she live?"

A barrage of questions confused Cheng Yue, and with her innocent big eyes she blinked and asked in return, "Sister... what sister?"

Great, she's gotten silly again.

Qian Yixiu regretted her impatience immensely; it was her fault for asking too many questions.

No matter how much her family members persuaded her, Cheng Yue simply wouldn't accept the clothes. She didn't mention anything about sister again, only saying she didn't like them.