Chapter 59: The Mighty Dashan (Seeking Subscriptions and Monthly Tickets)_1

Chapter Part 1

Li Shuanzi winced in pain and lifted his leg to kick at Qian Yixiu, but Qian Yijin lunged forward, grabbed his leg, and bit down hard. Li Shuanzi's face contorted in agony. He grabbed Qian Yijin's hair and tried to push him away, but Qian Yijin clung on, biting down on his thigh without letting go. Eventually, Li Shuanzi picked up Qian Yijin's whole body and flung him away.

Spectators who had come to watch the excitement saw the situation escalating and hurriedly held back Li Shuanzi, who still wanted to go after someone to give them a beating, "You're a grown man; how can you go so far as to seriously hit a child?"

Li Shuanzi roared, "He hit my Ah Cai, bit me, didn't you see that? Ow, he almost bit off my flesh."