Chapter 83 Guess_1

Old Grandma Fan was not pleased and cursed, "Shut your mother's trap, what bullshit are you spouting? Anyone can see this item is for young women to use; my daughter-in-law is already up there in age, why would she use such frivolous undergarments?"

Madam Hua, who was rather simple and honest but with a fiery temper and immense strength, was not afraid of Old Grandma Fan. Hearing her cursing, she became angry, approached, and retorted, "Who's that filthy mouth cursing at, curse again if you dare. That thing obviously belongs to Fan's wife; it wasn't just me who saw it, Second Sister-in-law Wang saw it too. Why your daughter-in-law needed to use such youthful attire is something you should go home and ask her about."