Chapter 108: Huge Loss (For the He's Jade Disc +)_1

Li Yaren sneered, "Are you trying to fool ghosts? If you're so poor, how can you afford to buy several dozen acres of land and even afford servants?"

Shopkeeper Cui softly explained how the Qian family unexpectedly dug up a few valuable plants in the mountains, sold them for money, and bought the land. Middleman Wong also testified, and only then did Li Yaren believe it.

Except for the daughter of this family, Li Yaren agreed to sell all these people to the Qian family.

What Qian Yixiu most wanted to help was that little girl, and upon hearing this, she pulled on Shopkeeper Cui's sleeve.

Shopkeeper Cui also wanted to help the girl and said, "Boss Li, the girl doesn't want to go to that place. If you forcibly take her there and she ends up hitting the wall, won't you have to return the silver you've received? Name your price for her. If the child's family doesn't have enough money, I'll make up the difference. Let's do a good deed by giving this girl a way out."