Chapter 116 White Wolf_1

Everyone crowded to the door to look outside, and saw a white wolf squatting about twenty meters to the west of the gate. It showed no intention of coming closer, just quietly squatting there looking towards them. Even from such a distance, its eyes could be seen shimmering with a bluish glow.

Dashan nudged Benben and Tiaotiao with his head, then took the two little ones over to the White Wolf. The White Wolf gently licked Benben and Tiaotiao, its head bowed tenderly as the family of four huddled sweetly together.

This scene left everyone at the courtyard door in stunned amazement, standing there dumbfounded as they watched them.

Meanwhile, many torches were being lit in Huaxi Village, and the noise was reaching them.

They had probably heard the wolf's howl as well, so they gathered to beat the wolves in defense of their homes.

Qian Sangui called out, "Dashan, hurry and let the White Wolf return to the mountain; otherwise, it might be in danger."