Chapter 125: Defend Mother (Two Chapters in One)_2

Qian Yijin also came to persuade Cheng Yue by saying, "Mother, don't be afraid, all the bad people outside have left, and only our family remains. Once you get to the main courtyard, your sisters, aunt, and grandma will always be with you..."

They persuaded Cheng Yue into a room in the main courtyard, which was Qian Xiaoyu's room. Lady Wei carried Old Woman Qian on her back while Qian Manxia assisted Lady Wu to the room next to Cheng Yue's, which was the bedroom of the brothers Qian Xiaofeng and Qian Xiaolei.

Afterward, several people split up to prepare, while Qian Yixiu was in charge of repeatedly explaining to the "soldiers" how to fight this hard-fought defensive battle.