Chapter 126 Lady Du_1

Qian Ergui was furious, thinking that his mother had fallen ill because of the nonsense spoken by Lady Tang, who hadn't even bothered to come over to care for the sick. He hurried home, dragged Lady Tang off the bed, and gave her a beating.

Lady Tang cried out for her parents and flattered him profusely, then followed Qian Ergui to the third bedroom to attend to the illness.

In the afternoon, Wang Lizheng and dozens of villagers returned. Accompanying them was a bullock cart driven by Huang Tie. On the cart lay Qian Sangui, with Wang Lizheng and Qian Yeejin sitting beside him.

Upon reaching the village, Qian Sangui sat up and bowed his hands to Wang Lizheng and the other men, "Great kindness cannot be thanked in words. Another day, my family will host a great feast, and I invite all of you to come over to my house for a drink."

The people dispersed to their homes, and the bullock cart continued westward.