Chapter 130: High Standards (4K for Monthly Pass Vote)_2

The next day, Yixiu visited the pastry kitchen and had a roundabout conversation with Lady Xu and Lady Wong.

According to them, Wan Dazhong's father was Wan Lizheng's younger brother, who left to make his fortune when he was just a teenager. He only came back a few years ago, admitting he hadn't achieved much success outside and his wife had died, so he returned to Darong Village with his son to settle down.

The father and son had always made a living by hunting. Since they were both quite skilled, they managed to hunt plenty of game and lived quite comfortably.

In the past two years, as Dazhong grew older, his father bought more than ten mu of farmland and rebuilt their tile-roofed house, saying it was time to find Dazhong a bride.

Despite being a bit dark-skinned, Dazhong was handsome, skilled, and his family had some wealth, so many young women wanted to marry him. However, he was quite picky, wanting someone fair and attractive, which is why he was still unmarried.