Chapter 141: Proposing Cooperation_2

He regretted it deeply, why hadn't he followed her into the mountains?

He said, "You only picked so little? Why didn't you pick more?"

Qian Yixiu said, "There was only one tea tree, and I picked all of it, only this much." Seeing the pained expression on Shopkeeper Cui's face, she added, "If Shopkeeper Cui doesn't like it, it doesn't matter, my grandpa said we could keep it to serve our guests at home."

Shopkeeper Cui replied, "Who said I don't like it? I like it too much. It's a pity, even though it's good, there's only so little."

Qian Yixiu naively smiled and said, "It's not just this little. I also collected some tea seeds under the tea tree to take back and plant. If I plant a large garden, there will be plenty of tea."

Shopkeeper Cui was overjoyed. Now that he had the tea seeds, he didn't need to search all over the mountains for tea trees. Laughing, he said, "I knew it, Yixiu is a smart girl, this is great. Sell all these tea seeds to me, I'll give you a good price."