Chapter 143 Really Not Her Fault_3

In her previous life, she had only eaten two kinds of lotus roots, the red and white varieties, and only these two existed; the golden lotus root had not yet appeared.

In the Ji'an region, not many families cultivated lotus roots, and most grew red lotus roots, which were starchy and soft, suitable for stewing in soup. Last year, the dish of honey-glazed glutinous rice-stuffed lotus root that they served to Uncle Liang was made with red lotus roots, though the dish would be more suitable with the crisp and sweet white ones.

She had never tasted the golden lotus root, but imagined that this variety would be better suited for stir-frying, making desserts, or even eating raw as a fruit.

After planting the lotus roots and filling the lake with water, they also stocked some fish fry; with this, the family's major task came to a close. Afterwards, Qian Xiaofeng no longer went up the mountains to gather firewood but mainly tended to the lotus roots and fish in the lake.