Chapter 144 Hope_2

Qian Yixiu had no choice but to take Tiaotiao to the big courtyard. Even after passing the side gate, she could still hear Lady Wu shouting from behind, "No going up the mountain through the back door, see if I don't break your legs if you run around again."

Qian Yixiu's footsteps paused. When she had first come to this small courtyard years ago, Lady Wu was such a gentle person. The tough years not only turned her into a capable farmwoman but also made her character become fierce and rigid.

The big courtyard had completely changed its appearance. From afar, one could see the rippling green waves in the lake, and a small wooden bridge zigzagging through the middle. In another two months, the lotus flowers would bloom, and what a beautiful sight that would be. Qian Yixiu felt overwhelmed by the beauty.

But the dirt paths inside the courtyard were truly beyond compliment, full of pits and bumps, particularly muddy after the rain.