Chapter 160 Pan Zi'an_2

Liang Jinzhao smiled and said, "Upon hearing Grandpa Pan's teachings, I truly have benefited greatly."

Prince Consort Pan looked at a few other smaller pearls and nodded, showing his liking.

Shopkeeper Zhao said, "Truth be told, Mr. Pan," as Prince Consort Pan preferred being addressed as Mr. Pan, rather than by titles such as Master, Sir, or Son-in-Law. Men of letters often have their eccentricities, and Mr. Pan was no exception.

As a businessman who kept his ears open to everything, Shopkeeper Zhao also knew of Mr. Pan's likes and dislikes. He continued, "To acquire these few pearls, I spent a total of 2900 taels of silver. Should they catch Mr. Pan's fancy, it would be their good fortune, and I am willing to transfer them at cost."

Prince Consort Pan waved his hand and said, "You are a businessman; I can't expect you not to make money."