Chapter 169 Hunting_3

Cheng Yue laughed upon hearing this, "Of course, I indeed thought about teaching Yixiu how to embroider during the day."

Zhang Yang laughed again, "That's it, you thought about it too much during the day, and at night you had this dream, which is very normal. Yixiu is still young, and I'm afraid she might prick her fingers; it's not too late to teach her in a few years. Don't think about this matter anymore. Let me give you another acupuncture treatment and prescribe a few doses of medicine to help you sleep, then you won't have this dream again."

Cheng Yue, reassured by the Little Divine Doctor's words and realizing she wasn't sick, smiled with relief and let Zhang Yang give her the acupuncture treatment very willingly.

Afterward, Zhang Yang quietly told Yixiu about Cheng Yue's words. He also wrote a prescription and asked them to send someone to Baohe Hall to fetch the medicine tomorrow.