Chapter 171: Escaping by Jumping into the River_2

The night was cool like water, and moonlight filtered through the window lattice, casting a hazy glow over the little room. Cheng Yue and Qian Yixiu lay in bed, both unable to sleep; however, one felt at ease while the other was burdened with heavy thoughts.

Looking at her little mother's foolish grin, Qian Yixiu felt both heartache and sorrow.

"Bones lie by the river without a tomb, yet in dreams still in the chamber of spring."

This must have been an accurate portrayal of little father and little mother.

Even in her sleep, Cheng Yue smiled, enjoying sweet dreams until dawn.

Qian Yixiu, on the other hand, suffered a bit. Her sleep was restless, filled with nightmares. In her dreams, the river in the heavy rain was fierce and rapid, its waters turned red with blood. On the riverbank, there were menacing faces, bloody swords, shrill screams, and cruel close combat... The handsome little father fell, then a wave surged up to the shore, sweeping him into the tumultuous waves...