Chapter 175 Guiyuan_2

Yixiu smiled at him and said, "The lotus leaves really smell wonderful."

Su Erwu laughed and said, "It's strange indeed, these lotus leaves smell much more fragrant than the others. Are the lotus roots from Fan Di really different from those in Daqian?"

Yixiu laughed and said, "It's possible. I heard that grapes grown in the Western Regions taste sweeter than those grown in Daqian."

Su Erwu nodded in agreement, earnestly.

On the sixth day of April, it was the eighth birthday of Yijin and Yixiu. As always, each of them was given a boiled egg in the morning.

Yijin cracked his eggshell and said, "I don't know why, but I always feel that the boiled egg on my birthday tastes better than other eggs."

Qian Sangui laughed and said, "That's because you're in a different state of mind. Each year you're one step closer to becoming a real man."

Yijin swallowed the egg in two bites and said, "Hmm, now that I'm a big man, I can protect our family, my mother, and my sister."