Chapter 186 Sold to the North_1

After hearing Qian Sangui's explanation, several people were confused. They had been waiting a whole year for the golden flower lotus roots, but now they were being told they wouldn't get them.

Lady Tang raised her voice and was the first to speak up, "How can Third Uncle be such a grown man and yet not keep his word? You were the one who told us to buy the land and dig the pond, promising to give us the foreign lotus roots to plant. We only bought the land and dug the pond because we believed what you said. Otherwise, who in their right mind would invest money in barren land? And now, you're coming up with excuses not to give them to us. Are you really that afraid your brother's family will become rich?"

Qian Ergui also said, "Yeah, at that time I didn't even want to buy it. I bought it only because Manhe said following Third Uncle's advice was sure to be right."