Chapter 188: Secrets of Heaven_1

Liang Zechong and his entourage arrived at the foot of Xiding Mountain, where Sir Wu and others got off the carriage to see them off respectfully, while Liang Zechong and his grandson continued their journey to Daci Temple by carriage along the winding mountain road of Xiding Mountain.

Along the way, Liang Jinzhao looked out of the carriage window at the sheer cliffs and said, "The year before last, when Grandson accompanied Grandpa Pan past here, Grandpa Pan cried bitterly. He said had he left just a few moments earlier, he would have avoided the sudden torrential rain. Or had Princess Zhenyue ridden with him in the same carriage, she wouldn't have been swept off the cliff by the flash flood and buried by the collapsing mountainside. Great-grandmother said he was faking, seeking fame and fishing for compliments, but Grandson thinks he was truly heartbroken. There is nothing more painful and upsetting than witnessing a loved one's calamity."