Chapter 134: Get Out of Here_1

"Get out of the way," Yang Anshi pushed Yang Ruxin aside. "If we don't separate, will you keep dragging this family down? It's not up to you anymore. If I say we must separate, then we must separate!"

Ruxin burst into tears, "If we don't separate, aren't you still our family? Are you trying to drive us—a mother and her orphans—to death? I won't separate. Just give me three liang of silver a month... really..."

"Enough, Dani," Yang Baihe, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up, "You can only blame your bad luck for being born from that wretched Xu Hui... you deserve the suffering... Acting all high and mighty, refusing to go to town with me. Well, now, I see how you can continue to strut around."

Ruxin cried even louder.

"Stop bawling, it's annoying!" Baihe scoffed with a sneer, "Someday, I'm going to be wealthy, and having trashy relatives like you is just embarrassing. Better roll out fast..."

Ruxin seemed frightened, shuddering and not daring to speak.