Chapter 145: Looking to Rent a House (2 more updates)_1

Lin Xiaoling had no choice but to put the cake back, her heart aching even more for the children. She patted Xiaofeng's head, "Come by and chat with Aunt Lin sometime when you're free... In a couple of days, Gousheng will be back from his grandma's place, you should come over and play with him..."

Gousheng was the village head's grandson, two years old this year. His parents had taken him to his maternal grandparents' home because they were building a new house there this month.

"Okay," Yang Rufeng replied obediently, nodding his head. "I'll come over and play with my nephew..." Although the two little ones were only two years apart, there was a difference in generation between them.

Lin Xiaoling smiled contentedly.

"Dani, you must have something on your mind, coming over now?" After his wife had finished chatting with the children, the village head took the initiative to ask.