Chapter 204: Want to Become a Disciple (Sixth Update)_1

Little Liuzi listened intently—throughout his life, the person he admired most was his own father. Over the years, their family's life had gradually improved, at least they didn't have to go hungry anymore, and it was all because of the good decisions his father made each time.

"In this world, no one is a fool," Yang Zhenli said with a satisfied smile, "One must look far in dealing with people." His greatest pride in life was that he had been far-sighted. Had it not been for his decisive move to take his wife and children away from their old home, they might have ended up scattered and lost by now. Years had passed, and they had long since become part of the village. "Just you wait and see, the Yang Family will regret their choices sooner or later."

Both Little Liuzi and Liu Cuiying nodded in agreement.