Chapter 356: Dazzling Law (Three More)_1

Yang Ruxin did not stop her.

When the lid of the basket was lifted, Yang Baihui was immediately stupefied—why was it full of turnips? And a package wrapped in lotus leaf.

Sanni's eyes also widened in surprise. The lotus leaf contained pig intestines, a stinky purchase made by big sister. However, all the plentiful things bought earlier—where had they gone?

"My God, why did you buy these things? This is just rubbish, truly a waste of money." Yang Baihe stepped back two paces immediately upon opening the lotus leaf, her face full of disdain.

In this era, animal innards were consumed by some, but only by the extremely poor, because such things were truly filthy and not presentable.

The Yang Baihui family's situation was relatively good, occasionally able to afford a piece of meat, so they had never eaten such offal.