Chapter 368: Sister Xin (Sixth Update)_1

"But what's there to trick us with?" Liang Zi asked, coming over with a bunch of dry wood he'd just chopped, "Could the trickery actually bring us silver?"

"Yeah," Qian Er nodded, "maybe something's holding him up." After a pause, "Anyway, these days let's just live honestly, who knows... Ruxin might be watching us from the shadows..."

As soon as he said this, everyone unconsciously looked around, as if they feared Yang Ruxin might suddenly appear.

"Big brother is right; let's just live our lives honestly," Liang Zi quickly agreed, "You guys work on the firewood, I'll go fetch some medicine for father."

Chengzi and Liang Zi were homeless too, and Qian Er's father was kind-hearted and felt sorry for the two children, so he let them stay in his house, giving them a place to sleep.