Chapter 397: Changed the Locks (Part 3)_1

"What are you talking about, you ungrateful wretch? Wishing me dead, are you?" Yang Anshi suddenly screamed, grabbing a shoe from the edge of the kang bed and throwing it, but it didn't hit anyone, instead, it landed on the doorframe and then fell to the floor.

Xiaofeng was startled.

Yang Ruxin quickly embraced Xiaofeng, patting his back.

"You old fool, what are you doing?" Yang Peili roared at Yang Anshi.

"What am I doing? She's here to curse me, tell her to get out, right now..." Yang Anshi yelled, then grabbed another shoe and threw it.

Yang Ruxin picked up her little brother and stepped out of the main room into the yard, where the shoe landed in the spot they had just vacated.

"Fine, fine, you're right... you're always right..." Yang Peili shouted back at his wife inside the room, then, with his hands behind his back, walked into the courtyard.

Yang Ruxin raised an eyebrow at Yang Peili; this man was completely dominated by his wife for his entire life.