Chapter 415: The Evil Young Master (Part 4)_1

Yang Ruxin nodded and stood at the doorway, surveying the surroundings. The expressions on the faces of the commoners passing by were calm, a sign that they must be well-fed and warmly clothed. This had a lot to do with the stability of commodity prices and was an important criterion for assessing the stability of a society.

It appeared that this must be a time of prosperity, and the current Emperor must be a wise ruler.

As she was pondering this, a shouting voice came from afar. A fat man dressed in luxurious clothing was fanning himself with an air of arrogance. Accompanying him were four servant-like toughs, yelling at pedestrians to clear the way for the young master. Anyone who was too slow to move was swiftly kicked aside as they proceeded towards the Taibai Building.

Passersby were all too enraged to speak.