Chapter 444: Marrying Another at the End of the Month (29th Update)_1

"Everything has been said, now it's up to you to see what you'll do." Yang Baifu said and turned to leave.

Yang Dongshi immediately burst into loud weeping.

"Cry, cry, any bit of good fortune you had has been cried away by you, you jinx..." The cursing voice of Yang Anshi came from the main hall, "If you want to cry to death, go back to the Dong Family village to cry..."

But at this moment, Yang Dongshi didn't want to quiet down as she usually would. Instead, she cried louder. After all, she was out of options now. Could they even deny her the right to cry?

Yang Anshi wanted to scold her some more, but was stopped by Yang Baifu as he entered the door: "Mother, let her cry. Once she's done, she'll come to her senses."

"What's happened?" Yang Anshi frowned immediately.

"Lv's family wants her to be the principal wife," Yang Baifu laughed hehe, "That means this chicken that doesn't lay eggs has to move over..."