Chapter 451: Blind Kindness (Update 36)_1

Yang Ruxin then waved at Sini and Zhou Ying, "Now you two will be responsible for washing Lanlan's hands and face, then put on some Xiangxiang. Can you do that?"

"Yes." Sini and Zhou Ying said in unison, "We guarantee to take good care of our little sister." Then, each holding one of Erya's hands, they went to the yard.

Yang Ruxin smiled, her own siblings were indeed more comforting to be around.

Xun Hui looked at Yang Ruxin as if she had something to say but stopped herself, twisting the fabric of her clothes with both hands, looking more uncomfortable than if she were constipated.

Yang Ruxin sighed, "Mother, if you're thinking of asking me to take in Fourth Aunt and her two daughters, don't even start. It's easy to invite trouble but hard to send it away. I don't want anything to do with the people from the Yang Family old house. It took me so much effort to break away from them, and I won't trouble myself by inviting it back..."

"But, they really are pitiable..."