Chapter 475: Re-launching New Features (4)_1

"Let's go," Yang Ruxin said, supporting Xun Hui's arm as they walked back.

Xun Hui's body stiffened for a moment, but soon relaxed, her face wearing a relieved smile. This elder daughter of hers used to be so impassive and would never be close to her, and after she changed, she was tough and still wouldn't be close to her. Today was different… it was so nice!

When they got back to the courtyard, they found the Feng Family with Erni and Sanni and others, all hiding behind the door with kitchen knives, choppers, and flaming sticks in hand. Yang Ruxin couldn't help but laugh, "It's okay now."

"Big sister, are you really okay?" Erni's voice trembled with nervousness.

"Your mother was worried about you and insisted on going out to see. Erni and Sanni wanted to go too, but I held them back," the Feng Family let out a sigh of relief, "It's good that nothing happened, hurry up and close the door and go to bed."